
Feb 05, 2009 

Fresh snow deluge causes widespread disruption

' A deluge of overnight snow in the Midlands, South West England and South Wales was causing further choas today, amid fears that Britain was running out of salt and grit * to keep roads clear. The heaviest falls were said to have been in the Midlands where as much as 4ins (10cm) of snow fell, with roads, airports and schools hit in the affected areas. '                        from The Times


village hall   

The village  in the snow  村子裡的雪景



2月3日我還依計畫跟老公到 Nottingham 市區蹓躂。許多店家已經開始展示春裝,我也添購了一件 ZARA 的連身洋裝,美其名是幫老公慶生暖壽 --- 大家開心就好。 




鋪陳這麼多,是要說明前兩天風雪的確稍緩。 但經昨晚一夜飄零,今天中英格蘭地區降雪最深已達十公分。




back garden - Feb 5 

 Snow in the back garden 後院的雪景


thickness of the snow

這下 有圖有真相喔  ----  地面積雪的深度      ( 看得出這是 綿綿雪 嗎?    質地綿密柔軟)


今天早上把車輪胎加 上鎖鍊後才出門上班的公公婆婆(大家想像上合歡山時也得如此,可見陸地積雪之深)


回家途中  公公順道到超市採買食物及民生用品      (公公堅定不移的信念 ---- 備不時之需,所以櫥櫃裡的衛生紙存貨通常足夠家裡三個廁所一個月的使用量 )






- salt and grit     鹽+ 砂礫

小常識:為清除道路表面的積雪,下雪期間會有專門的 gritter 在道路上灑鹽,灑砂防滑以維持交通暢行。

 salt and grit


- 卵巢及子宮的切除手術

spayed = a female cat or dog who has had both ovaries and uterus surgically removed, and is not capable of producing offspring.  

一般是用spay 這個字 ---- [閹母狗] 的意思醫學專業名詞則為 ovariohysterectomy 

ex:  Molly dog has been spayed and she now seems a bit distressed, poor girl.




 A snowman in the snow.   雪地裡的小雪人





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