今年最鬱悶的一天是 1 月 19 日 星期一 , 這是怎麼回事?
這幾天看報紙 發現這一篇報導
覺得很有意思 所以跟大家分享
January has long been regarded as the darkest of months (known as January blues), but a fomula by Cliff Arnana, a parti-time tutor at Cardiff University, shows it is even worse this coming monday - January 19.
The formula for the day of misery reads W+(D-d) x TQ / M x NA. Where W is weather, D is debt - minus the money (d) due on January's pay day - and T is the time since Christmas. Q is the period since the failure to quit a bad habit, M stands for general motivational levels and NA is the need to take action and do something about it.
We'll probably be feeling a bit blue - miserable winter, fading Christmas glows, failed New Year's resolutions and over-indulgent credit card bills conspire to depress. And for many of us, the January pay-cheque is still some time away.
Whether or not you accept this equation, the coming year is going to be tough for the additional factor CC (credit crunch) may win itself a place in Cliff's formula. GPs say exercise and reading up on depression are ways to beat the blues.
話說一月是英國最 " 冷 " 的月份
不僅天氣冰冷 歡樂的佳節又才悄然離去
回到工作崗位的大家 想到耶誕節及新年的大失血
更別提 2008 年底掀起的全球性金融風暴
根據Cardiff 大學一名兼任教授 Cliff Arnall 的研究
他運用上圖的公式推算出一年中最糟的 一天
今年榮登最最最 " 不魯 " 的得主 是 一月十九日星期一
在景氣低迷的牛年 似乎更要達觀 積極 往光明面看
英國醫生也建議大家 多做運動及閱讀抗憂鬱的書籍