
   Cornerhouse Nottingham         

     Went to see a film with some friends last Saturday and was overwhelmed by the price to pay for FUN in this country. Mind you, the movie wasn't even as amusing as the trailer would have you believe.

上周六跟朋友去看電影 , 才發現在這裡吃喝玩樂要付出的代價真是令人咋舌啊!  片子也未如預告的有趣。   


       Saltwater Bar

      Right, here we are; it cost 7 quid for a ticket and 14 pounds for the first round of drinks in a reasonably nice bar. It's not hard to guess that the second and third rounds are coming along as the night wears on.

來吧! 看看英國的消費 ; 一張電影票要價七英鎊 (約台幣420元), 四個人的酒錢就花了十四英鎊 (約台幣840元), 雖說是在一家不錯的酒吧, 不過有點小貴耶!  而且一杯黃湯下肚 ,  怎麼可能一輪就解決 , 肯定是隨著月色進入第二, 第三攤。 

       I guess it's just me, a country mouse, who hasn't been to TOWN for some time. 

我像極了劉姥姥逛大觀園, 沒見過世面! 這幾年英國的物價已非昔日, 而且與台灣的物價相較本來就有一些差距。(不過後來想想台灣的pub 酒精類飲料收費好像差不多貴。大概是電影的票價讓我大吃一驚吧, 再加上這部電影真的不是我的菜。 )  


 ice cream

   We enjoyed ourselves though; triple scoops of Mississippi mud + peanut butter 'n chocolate +caramel ice cream with hot fudge running on top and medium sweet popcorn.  Let alone the early evening meal we already had at Wagamama before all this. 

重點是我們吃得粉開心。看電影必備的食物: 甜不溜丟爆米花, 三球黑到找不到家的冰淇淋, 更別提先前才下肚的日式速食 - 戰果輝煌的周末啊!!


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    Notes from A Small Island

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